
Tag the snapshots to migrate

The script fetches the snapshots which requires to be migrated using the tags.

The default tag used is snap-to-bucket but can be overridden using the -t/--tag from the input flags.

The tags should hold the value migrate to be picked by the script.

Once the snapshot is moved, the tag’s value will be replaced with transferred.


Make sure to tag the snapshots and run the script with root privileges as the script needs to mount/unmount volumes.

  • Runing from source

pipenv run snap2bucket --bucket <bucket>
  • Runing from install

snap2bucket --bucket <bucket>

If you have used different tags on snapshots, use -t/--tag option.

If you want to mount the devices on different location, use -m/--mount option.

To change the type of volume, use --type option (like io1 for higher throughput).

The io1, io2 and gp3 allow to provide additional IOPS, which can be provided with --iops flag. gp3 also allows setting the throughput of the volume and can be set with --throughput flag.

The default storage class used for S3 objects will be STANDARD. To use other classes like STANDARD_IA or even GLACIER, use --storage-class option.

If you want to delete the snapshot once they are transferred, use -d/--delete option. Use this option with caution as this step cannot be undone.

Make sure to run as root user as several permissions are required to mount a device.

Backup huge data

The tool allows you to split the resultant tar into smaller tars. To do so, use the -s/--split flag and define the size of each part. While restoring, the script can list all of the tars in the given folder and reassemble based on part number.

Since the S3 has a limit on object size, a single split can not be larger than 5TB (the default value).