

  1. Create a new volume of the desired size in AWS and attach to an instance.
    • You can also check for x-amz-meta-disc-size metadata attached to the S3 object to get the estimated size of unpacked files.

    • The meta tag snap-volume-size also stores the size of volume from which the snapshot was created.

  2. Download the snapshot from S3 to the instance.

  3. Partition the disk
    • printf "label: dos\ntype=83\n" | sudo sfdisk <device> if the snapshot was not bootable.

    • printf "label: dos\ntype=83, bootable\n" | sudo sfdisk <device> if the snapshot was bootable.

    • # partprobe <device> to let know the kernel of new partition table.

  4. Format the disk
    • # mke2fs -t ext4 <device_partition>

  5. Mount the partition
    • # mount <device_partition> /mnt/snapshot

  6. Untar the downloaded file
    • # tar --extract --verbose --file <tar_location> -C /mnt/snapshot --preserve

  7. Update the fstab
    1. Check the fstab from /mnt/snapshot/etc/fstab

    2. If disk was mounted from Label
      • Update the label of new partition # e2label <device> <label>

      • Check if the label was updated # e2label <device>

    3. If the disk was mounted using UUID
      • Get the UUID of the new device # blkid

      • Edit the /mnt/snapshot/etc/fstab

  8. Update the grub if snapshot was bootable
    1. Mount the required devices

      for i in /sys /proc /run /dev; do sudo mount --bind $i /mnt/snapshot$i; done

    2. ChRoot to mounted location

      chroot /mnt/snapshot

    3. Reinstall and update grub

      grub-install <device> update-grub

    4. Unmount the devices

      for i in /sys /proc /run /dev; do sudo umount /mnt/snapshot$i; done

  9. Unmount and detach the volume.

From script (experimental)

Run the script with -r\--restore flag and provide the bucket and the key. * Runing from source

pipenv run snap2bucket --restore --bucket <bucket> --key <key>
  • Runing from install

snap2bucket --restore --bucket <bucket> --key <key>

Note: The script will create new volume of size 25% more than the size of tar or x-amz-meta-disc-size metadata (if available).

The value for --key should be the logical folder holding the tars. For example snap/<snapshot-name>. The scipt will handle single file upload and split uploads accordingly.

Use --boot flag if the snapshot to be restored was a bootable volume.

The flag --restore-dir=RESTORE_DIR can be used to point the directory where object from S3 can be downloaded. It defaults to /tmp/snap-to-bucket.

Restore accepts other options --type and -m/--mount.